Is it all gone

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Is it all gone?

Verse 1
And why can´t we talk anymore
But using double-meaning words
Spit on us in allusions
Where even silence hurts

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who started to destroy what once has been
Our love

Verse 2
And why can´t we move any more
Without thinking twice
Stir up guilt and cope revenche
Setting traps and lies

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
We see us watching what´s going on
With our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Verse 3
And ain´t we got anything to ask
But who is right and who is wrong
Counting on anything
But who is weak and who is strong

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who can do about what´s going on
With our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?


Nach den aufschlussreichen Anmerkungen jetzt eine leicht geänderte Fassung (Änderungen in fett):

Is it all gone?

Verse 1
And why can´t we talk anymore
But using double-meaning words
Spit on us in reproaches
Where even silence hurts

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who started to destroy what once has been
Our love

Verse 2
And why can´t we move any more
Without thinking twice
Stir up guilt and cope revenche
Setting traps and spreading lies

We´re so eager to provoke
while destruction takes its toke
we see us watching what´s going on
With our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Verse 3
And ain´t we got anything to ask
But who is right and who is wrong?
Counting on anything
But who is weak and who is strong?

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who could save what once has been
our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

comments wellcome,

dieses text zu kurz zwingt einen, einen einlaeitungssatz zu formulieren

x-Riff schrieb:
Nach den aufschlussreichen Anmerkungen jetzt eine leicht geänderte Fassung (Änderungen in fett):

waren nich meine...;)

Is it all gone?

Verse 1
And why can´t we talk anymore
But using double-meaning words "zweideutig" kenn ich mehr als "equivocally" oder "ambiguously"
Spit on us in reproaches
Where even silence hurts warum hier oertlich "where"? meinste nich, "when" passt eher?

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who started to destroy what once has been
Our love

Verse 2
And why can´t we move any more ...anymore
Without thinking twice
Stir up guilt and cope revenche was meinst du mit "stir up"?
Setting traps and spreading lies

We´re so eager to provoke
while destruction takes its toke "toke" kenn nur als "zug"
we see us watching what´s going on
With our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Verse 3
And ain´t we got anything to ask
But who is right and who is wrong?
Counting on anything
But who is weak and who is strong?

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who could save what once has been
our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?
Danke, wilbour "the outcast" cobb.

And why can´t we talk anymore
But using double-meaning words
"zweideutig" kenn ich mehr als "equivocally" oder "ambiguously"

Mist - äh, ich meine Danke. War mir natürlich ans Herz gewachsen, dieses double-meaning.
Dann wahrscheinlich: but using equivocally words.

Spit on us in reproaches
Where even silence hurts
warum hier oertlich "where"? meinste nich, "when" passt eher?
Warum where? Weil ich´s damals nicht besser konnte. Also danke und:
when silence even hurts

Stir up guilt and cope revenche
was meinst du mit "stir up"?
Etwas hervorrufen.

We´re so eager to provoke
while destruction takes its toke
"toke" kenn nur als "zug"
Wilbour, wilbour, muß ich mir da jetzt Gedanken machen? LOL.
Ich habe das damals mal nachgeschaut, finde es jetzt aber im online-leo nicht. to take it´s toke müßte heißen die Dinge nehmen ihren Lauf. Ich schau noch mal anderswo nach. Oder jemand könnte vielleicht noch einen Tipp geben.

Herzlichen Dank,

Sehr, sehr, sehhhhhhhhhhr schöner Text!!!

ich kenne nur to take its toll, was heißt, seinen Tribut fordern. Passt da aber wunderbar. Bedeutung von take its toll:

Be damaging or harmful, cause loss or destruction, as in The civil war has taken its toll on both sides, or The heavy truck traffic has taken its toll on the highways. This expression transfers the taking of toll, a tribute or tax, to exacting other costs. [Late 1800s]

LG, Shirin
x-Riff schrieb:
was meinst du mit "stir up"?
Etwas hervorrufen.
dann nimm besser "to cause" oder "to evoke", letzteres meint mehr so "entzuendungen hervorrufen" "stir up" kenn ich als "umruehren", kann man auch als "aufruehren" nehmen, aber nur in bestimmten zusammenhaengen.

x-Riff schrieb:
"toke" kenn nur als "zug"
Wilbour, wilbour, muß ich mir da jetzt Gedanken machen? LOL.

das waere "puff". oder "spliff". ups

"lauf nehmen" kenn das mehr als "run its course", aber das andere kann natuerlich auch stimmen, mal sehen was ich so rausfinde.
Shirin schrieb:
Sehr, sehr, sehhhhhhhhhhr schöner Text!!!
Danke, danke. Ist einer meiner ersten, hat schon 15 Jahre auf dem Buckel.
ich kenne nur to take its toll, was heißt, seinen Tribut fordern. Passt da aber wunderbar. Bedeutung von take its toll:

Be damaging or harmful, cause loss or destruction, as in The civil war has taken its toll on both sides, or The heavy truck traffic has taken its toll on the highways. This expression transfers the taking of toll, a tribute or tax, to exacting other costs. [Late 1800s]

LG, Shirin

Danke, Shirin! Dann lasse ich das mit dem take it´s toll. Ich meine auch, ich hätte das schon mal gesucht und gefunden.

wilbour-cobb schrieb:
dann nimm besser "to cause" oder "to evoke", letzteres meint mehr so "entzuendungen hervorrufen" "stir up" kenn ich als "umruehren", kann man auch als "aufruehren" nehmen, aber nur in bestimmten zusammenhaengen.

jut - causing ist gekauft.

das waere "puff". oder "spliff". ups

"lauf nehmen" kenn das mehr als "run its course", aber das andere kann natuerlich auch stimmen, mal sehen was ich so rausfinde. siehe post von shirin.

Danke, wilbour,

Vielen Dank, Ihr native speaker!
Also dann sähe das jetzt so aus:

Is it all gone?

Verse 1
And why can´t we talk anymore
But using equivocally words
Spit on us in reproaches
When even silence hurts

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who started to destroy what once has been
Our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Verse 2
And why can´t we move anymore
Without thinking twice
causing guilt and cope revenche
Setting traps and spreading lies

We´re so eager to provoke
while destruction takes its toke
we see us watching what´s going on
With our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Verse 3
And ain´t we got anything to ask
But who is right and who is wrong?
Counting on anything
But who is weak and who is strong?

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who could save what once has been
our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

be free to have a last look,

Sehr schön, dieser Text.

Is it all gone?

Verse 1

And why can´t we talk anymore
But using equivocally words equivocal bei Substantiven wird Adjektiv verwendet, bei Verben Adverbien.
Spit on us in reproaches
When even silence hurts

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who started to destroy what once has been
Our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Verse 2
And why can´t we move anymore
Without thinking twice
causing guilt and cope revenche coping revenche
Setting traps and spreading lies

We´re so eager to provoke
while destruction takes its toke toll
we see us watching what´s going on
With our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Verse 3
And ain´t we got anything to ask
But who is right and who is wrong?
Counting on anything
But who is weak and who is strong?

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who could save what once has been
our love

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

LG, Shirin
Herzlichen Dank, Shirin!

Shirin schrieb:
Sehr schön, dieser Text.

Is it all gone?

Verse 1
And why can´t we talk anymore
But using equivocally words equivocal bei Substantiven wird Adjektiv verwendet, bei Verben Adverbien. Auch einer dieser mach-ich-öfter-falsch-Fehler, danke.

causing guilt and cope revenche coping revenche Danke.
Setting traps and spreading lies

We´re so eager to provoke
while destruction takes its toke toll Mist - das haut mir dem Reim auseinander. Gar nicht schön. Dieses eager to provoke finde ich so klasse. Also entweder verabschiede ich mich von dem Reim oder ich mach sowas: We´re provoking while we stroll / and destruction takes it´s toll
we see us watching what´s going on
With our love

LG, Shirin

Vielen Dank, Shirin,

till later,

And again - may be the last time now:

Is it all gone?

Verse 1
And why can´t we talk anymore
But using equivocal words.
Spit on us in reproaches
When even silence hurts.

Seems there is a spell.
It´s so hard to tell
Who started to destroy what once has been
Our love.

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Verse 2
And why can´t we move anymore
Without thinking twice,
causing guilt and coping revenche
Setting traps and spreading lies.

We´re provoking and we stroll
while destruction takes its toll,
we see us watching what´s going on
With our love.

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Verse 3
And ain´t we got anything to ask
But who is right and who is wrong?
Counting on anything
But who is weak and who is strong?

Seems there is a spell
It´s so hard to tell
Who could save what once has been
our love.

Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone, gone, gone?
Is it all gone?

Vielen Dank, Leute - Ihr wart mir eine echte Hilfe - ich hoffe, es ist jetzt so, wie es sein soll...


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