Sonor (Super) Champion

What are you going to do with the Set now? Play it, sell it?
I don't know yet.
This beech-shell-set with these sizes 24/18/16/14/13 & 14sn is very heavy. My Sonor Force 3000 is much lighter and is my no.1 perform-set.
I think selling it isn't very easy. It is a 30- year old set. It's in very good condition, but for the same money people can buy for instance a second-hand midclass set. :confused:

On the other hand: this set survived :great: 30 years. !! It is build in Germany, so . .

If someone is interested, contact me. I don't want to make a lot of money, that's for sure. It was a nice project.

Here you can find the original folder. It is the red one on page 7
if you will sell it: 500-600€ ...
I sould mine (24,13,14,16) for 300€
but the condition was not as good as your kit :)
Hi Niquo!

I would refer you to Gerd Stegner. He is an expert in restoring old drumsets. His side ist He also gives tips and tricks (videos) how to recover and restore old sets. He also sells wrap-material and drum-hardwareparts for different vintage drums.

Keep on rockin in a free world:p
I would refer you to Gerd Stegner. He is an expert in restoring old drumsets. His side ist He also gives tips and tricks (videos) how to recover and restore old sets. He also sells wrap-material and drum-hardwareparts for different vintage drums

Haensi, thank you . . I know the website and it was there that I read about the idea to oil the set. And as you can see in my post dated 4-11: the set is ready.
Anybody interested ? :confused:
I don't want to keep this set.
I live in Deventer, the eastern part of Holland.

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