A golden day

  • Ersteller Kali_Dorane
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Hi, wir sind gerade am aufnehmen, und da ich eigentlich keinen falschen text auf der demo haben wollte :p hier nochmal nen problematischer text, bei dem ich mir echt nicht sicher bin:

a golden day

Well, it doesn't depend on coherencies
The sun is going down
Your are coming frome there in a garb of elegancy
The moon, pearl white
I'm running to catch the day but its grindingly
The sun is rising
I'm trying to find you in this chaos of thoughts

Its a golden day
within a black mass
its a golden day
between the frontiers
its a golden day
its a golden day
its a golden day
cold and grey

a lot of pencils and papers and a lot to do
bombs are falling down
I don't want to wait a damn whole livelong
The moon, bloody red
who wants to swim in the silent see of misery
please keep me warm
my hands are cold, my soul is sold

its a golden day
within a black mass
its a golden day
between the frontiers
its a golden day
its a golden day
its a golden day
cold and grey
Hi - ich vermute mal, demnächst kommen nate und/oder wilbour um die Ecke, aber hier schon einmal ein paar Sachen, die mir aufgefallen sind, verbunden mit einem Hinweis:
empfehlenswerter online-dictionairy, zum selbst nachschlagen.

Well, it doesn't depend on coherencies
The sun is going down
Your are coming frome there in a garb of elegancy
in a garb of elegance (ein Gewand voll Eleganz)
The moon, pearl white
I'm running to catch the day but its grindingly
The sun is rising
I'm trying to find you in this chaos of thoughts

Its a golden day
within a black mass
its a golden day
between the frontiers
its a golden day
its a golden day
its a golden day
cold and grey

a lot of pencils and papers and a lot to do
bombs are falling down
I don't want to wait a damn whole livelong
The moon, bloody red
who wants to swim in the silent see of misery
sea statt see
please keep me warm
my hands are cold, my soul is sold

its a golden day
within a black mass
its a golden day
between the frontiers
its a golden day
its a golden day
its a golden day
cold and grey

Bei ein paar Sachen, die ich hier nicht angetackert habe, bin ich mir unsicher, aber es geht ja jetzt nur darum, eindeutig falsche Sachen anzumarkern, wenn ich das richtig sehe. Das Weitere ist dann Sache der natives nate/wilbour.

Wenn Du willst, wirf mal einen Blick in den workshop lyrics (link in meiner Signatur).

Well, it doesn't depend on coherencies
The sun is going down
Your are coming frome there in a garb of elegancy
in a garb of elegance (ein Gewand voll Eleganz)
falls du wirklich nur "elegantes gewand" meinst, wäre das einfach "elegant garb", alles andere ist natürlich künstlerische freiheit
The moon, pearl white
I'm running to catch the day but it's grindingly
The sun is rising
I'm trying to find you in this chaos of thoughts

It's a golden day
within a black mass
its a golden day
between the frontiers
its a golden day
its a golden day
its a golden day
cold and grey

a lot of pencils and papers and a lot to do
bombs are falling down
I don't want to wait a damn whole lifelong aber lifelong kenne ich nicht als nomen, nur als adjektiv. "wait all my life" wäre eine alternative,
The moon, bloody red
who wants to swim in the silent see of misery
sea statt see
please keep me warm
my hands are cold, my soul is sold

its a golden day
within a black mass
its a golden day
between the frontiers
its a golden day
its a golden day
its a golden day
cold and grey

mir fällt sonst nix auf...
Ich benutze dict.cc

Was ist denn der Unterschied
zwischen coherences und coherencies?

korrigierte Version:

Well, it doesn't depend on coherences
The sun is going down
You are coming from there in an elegant garb
The moon, pearl white
I'm running to catch the day but it's grindingly
The sun is rising
I'm trying to find you in this chaos of thoughts

It's a golden day
within a black mass
its a golden day
between the frontiers
its a golden day
its a golden day
its a golden day
cold and grey

a lot of pencils and papers and a lot to do
bombs are falling down
I really don't want to wait all my life
The moon, bloody red
who wants to swim in the silent sea of misery
please keep me warm
my hands are cold, my soul is sold

its a golden day
within a black mass
its a golden day
between the frontiers
its a golden day
its a golden day
its a golden day
cold and grey
oops - coherencies hat meiner gar nicht angezeigt, leo kennt es auch nicht, aber zwei andere dictionairys führen beide weisen auf.

scheinen nur zwei verschiedene schreibweisen zu sein, möglicherweise zwischen englisch und amerikanisch oder so.


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