End of the days

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Walking along this bony mountain
Counting the days since life
Hoping that you will meet
Her again at the end of the days

You were such a nice couple
Marriage has come to near
You hoped it will last forever
Until the end of the days

You never thought that
Anything can end the situation
then the black man told you his plan
For the end of the days

Many tears were dropped
Many stories were told
But will you still be known
At the end of the days?

Ich such immer noch nach einem Refrain. Ich hab immer gehabt die total klischeebehaftet und billig waren.
Walking along this bony mountain
ich finde, "bony" = "dürr" ist ein komisches adjektiv für einen berg.
Counting the days since life
hier müsste das "since life" irgendwie genauer definiert werden, "since live has startet" oder so...
Hoping that you will meet
besser ohne "that"
Her again at the end of the days
"the" und mehrzahl "tag" geht nicht zusammen. entweder "these", aber dann meint es einen bestimmten zeitraum, oder "end of days", dass ist dann "das ende der welt"

You were such a nice couple
Marriage has come to near
.."to close", "near" kann man hier nicht nehmen
You hoped it will last forever
Until the end of the days

You never thought that
Anything can end the situation
"situation" ist sehr kühl, da würde ich nach etwas positiverem suchen. "relationship" oder "story" oder so
then the black man told you his plan
"to tell about"
For the end of the days

Many tears were dropped
Many stories were told
But will you still be known
At the end of the days?
und eventuell aus black man lieber dark man machen, man from the shadows oder irgendsowas....bei black man denkt man an nen mann mit dunkler hautfarbe
und eventuell aus black man lieber dark man machen, man from the shadows oder irgendsowas....bei black man denkt man an nen mann mit dunkler hautfarbe
War mir dann aber auch zu deutlich...

@all Danke!
Ich warte dann mal auf die zweite Version.
Walking along this mountain composed of bones
Counting the days since life
Hoping you will meet
Her again at the end of days

You were such a nice couple
Marriage has come to close
You hoped it will last forever
Until the end of days

Get used with that situation
Try to handle it
Do not let the desperation
Overcome your mind

You never thought that
Anything can end the situation
then the black dressed man told you about his plan
For the end of days

Many tears were dropped
Many stories were told
But will you still be known
At the end of days?

Die zweite Version:)
da sind noch einige ungereimtheiten drin, ich mals mal an
Walking along this mountain composed of bones
compose geht hier schlecht, formed ?

Counting the days since life
satz was keinen sinn macht
Hoping you will meet
Her again at the end of days

You were such a nice couple
evtl. sweet, cute, statt nice
Marriage has come to close
had come too close
You hoped it will last forever
Until the end of days

Get used with that situation
get used to
Try to handle it
besser: try to get along
Do not let the desperation
Overcome your mind

You never thought that
Anything can end the situation
could change the situation
und eigentlich eher state of affairs als situation, situation ist da ein bisschen ein false friend
then the black dressed man told you about his plan
the man dressed in black
For the end of days

Many tears were dropped
Many stories were told
But will you still be known
At the end of days?

Die zweite Version:)
Walking along this mountain composed of bones
compose geht hier schlecht, formed ?
Stand so in Leo:redface:
Counting the days since life
satz was keinen sinn macht
Ich will damit ausdrücken: Er zählt die tage seit denen er am Leben war
Hoping you will meet
Her again at the end of days

You were such a nice couple
evtl. sweet, cute, statt nice
Marriage has come to close
had come too close
Das heißt doch dann aber viel zu nahe,oder? Ich will aber sagen dass sie bald geheiratet hätten.
You hoped it will last forever
Until the end of days

Get used with that situation
get used to
Try to handle it
besser: try to get along
Do not let the desperation
Overcome your mind

You never thought that
Anything can end the situation
could change the situation
und eigentlich eher state of affairs als situation, situation ist da ein bisschen ein false friend
then the black dressed man told you about his plan
the man dressed in black
For the end of days

Many tears were dropped
Many stories were told
But will you still be known
At the end of days?
Walking along this mountain composed of bones
compose geht hier schlecht, formed ?
Stand so in Leo:redface:
leo doof. aber wenn du mal rückwärts-check machst

Counting the days since life
satz was keinen sinn macht
Ich will damit ausdrücken: Er zählt die tage seit denen er am Leben war
been counting the days since his birth
Hoping you will meet
Her again at the end of days

You were such a nice couple
evtl. sweet, cute, statt nice
Marriage has come to close
had come too close
Das heißt doch dann aber viel zu nahe,oder? Ich will aber sagen dass sie bald geheiratet hätten.
soon to be/get married
You hoped it will last forever
Until the end of days

Get used with that situation
get used to
Try to handle it
besser: try to get along
Do not let the desperation
Overcome your mind

You never thought that
Anything can end the situation
could change the situation
und eigentlich eher state of affairs als situation, situation ist da ein bisschen ein false friend
then the black dressed man told you about his plan
the man dressed in black
For the end of days

Many tears were dropped
Many stories were told
But will you still be known
At the end of days?
Walking along this mountain composed of bones
compose geht hier schlecht, formed ?
Stand so in Leo:redface:
leo doof. aber wenn du mal rückwärts-check machst
Aber es geht ja um composed of

Counting the days since life
satz was keinen sinn macht
Ich will damit ausdrücken: Er zählt die tage seit denen er am Leben war
been counting the days since his birth
Hoping you will meet
Her again at the end of days

You were such a nice couple
evtl. sweet, cute, statt nice
Marriage has come to close
had come too close
Das heißt doch dann aber viel zu nahe,oder? Ich will aber sagen dass sie bald geheiratet hätten.
soon to be/get married
You hoped it will last forever
Until the end of days

Get used with that situation
get used to
Try to handle it
besser: try to get along
Do not let the desperation
Overcome your mind

You never thought that
Anything can end the situation
could change the situation
und eigentlich eher state of affairs als situation, situation ist da ein bisschen ein false friend
then the black dressed man told you about his plan
the man dressed in black
For the end of days

Many tears were dropped
Many stories were told
But will you still be known
At the end of days?

Wie wäre es denn mit "made of bones"? Composed of kannst Du hier imho nicht nehmen. Zwar bedeutet es rein theoretisch dasselbe, aber praktisch beschreibt das Wort das Schaffen eines eher künstlerisch-kreativen Produkts. Ein Berg aus Knochen zählt da nicht zu, außerdem legt das Wort "composed" nahe, dass etwas aus verschiedenen Dingen kreiert wurde.

Leo sagt, composed of bedeute "bestehend aus" und wie bereits geschrieben stimmt das theoretisch, aber man muss dabei eben auch den Kontext beachten, in dem das Wort eingesetzt werden soll.

Made of bones ist zwar nichts Besonderes, aber immerhin funktioniert es und ist gut singbar.
nochn nachteil von leo :D in nem normalen wörterbuch würde unter compose auch composed of stehen :D ja nee trotzdem. ist und bleibt in dem zusammenhang und dieser stilebene das falsche wort. was ich mir vorstellen könnte ist in nem geologieartikel "xyz mountain is composed of gubbin and pyrites...."
aber knochenberg und composed ist ...irgendwie krotesk :D

"da er die schwere operation nicht überlebte besteht die leiche aus eigenkörpermaterial und spenderherz" :eek:

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