Heading For Hell

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Just fertiggestellt, mein jüngster Sprößling: "Heading For Hell":

Verse 1:
Everywhere I look, I see the world is burned and black
A symbol for our time and for the harmony, we lack
Terror reigns in blood, spreading pure tranquility
violating dreams of a free society

stupid men arise, gaining power through religion
reality disguises as a brutal piece of fiction
where gods, who should be good, rule with darkness and with hate
driving mankind's hope into an even darker fate

Heading for hell – with your eyes turned skywards
stumbling dazzled into your grave
Heading for hell – with your eyes turned skywards

no one will be there for our epitaph

Verse 2:
martyrs killing people for the faith in god they had
the soil is red of blood but the farmer is still dead
the killers eyes are blinded by some moral pollution
saying our final breath is their final solution

Verse 3:
wars are fought by people face to face on other sides
praying to the same gods, asking them to be their guides
human rights, perverted, whiteness how damage is done
no one is excused and so the slaughter will go on

generals count bodies, souls reduced to just a number
presidents are lying that their votes will not go under
weapon smiths count dollars, making money with the death
and each of them is happy 'bout an other final breath

Verse 4:
the world around withdraws to any try to understand

and no one can foresee how this ugly war will end

cause lack of understanding causes anxiety and fear

and fear results in hate, as we so often hear

Also der Song wird im leicht "angethrashtem" Stil von Kreators "Endorama" klingen, der Chorus dabei eher an "Heaven or Hell" von Gamma Ray erinnern.

Viel Spaß beim Zerpflücken *gg*

Verse 1:
Everywhere I look, I see the world is burned and black
A symbol for our time and for the harmony, we lack
Terror reigns in blood, spreading pure tranquility
violating dreams of a free society

stupid men arise, gaining power through religion
reality disguises as a brutal piece of fiction (i)s disguised find ich besser. die realität is ja mehr patient als agent
where gods, who should be good, rule with darkness and with hate
driving mankind's hope into an even darker fate und statt into find ich to oder toward besser

Heading for hell – with your eyes turned skywards
stumbling dazzled into your grave
Heading for hell – with your eyes turned skywards

no one will be there for our epitaph
das skywards find ich holpert vielleicht ein bisschen,,

Verse 2:
martyrs killing people for the faith in god they had
the soil is red of blood but the farmer is still dead with blood
the killers eyes are blinded by some moral pollution
saying our final breath is their final solution

Verse 3:
wars are fought by people face to face on other sides opposite sides
praying to the same gods, asking them to be their guides
human rights, perverted, witness how damage is done
no one is excused and so the slaughter will go on

generals count bodies, souls reduced to just a number
presidents are lying that their votes will not go under huh?
weapon smiths count dollars, making money with the death waffenschmied-->armorer
and each of them is happy 'bout an other final breath

Verse 4:
the world around withdraws to any try to understand huh?

and no one can foresee how this ugly war will end

cause lack of understanding causes anxiety and fear

and fear results in hate, as we so often hear stimmt, das hat schon yoda in star wars gesagt:D

da wo "huh" steht hab ich nicht verstanden was du sagen willst:D
das grüne sind nur irgendwelche feinheiten, das pinke passt nicht
Verse 1:
Everywhere I look, I see the world is burned and black
A symbol for our time and for the harmony, we lack
Terror reigns in blood, spreading pure tranquility
violating dreams of a free society

stupid men arise, gaining power through religion
reality disguises as a brutal piece of fiction (i)s disguised find ich besser. die realität is ja mehr patient als agent
where gods, who should be good, rule with darkness and with hate
driving mankind's hope into an even darker fate und statt into find ich to oder toward besser

Heading for hell – with your eyes turned skywards
stumbling dazzled into your grave
Heading for hell – with your eyes turned skywards

no one will be there for our epitaph
das skywards find ich holpert vielleicht ein bisschen,, was hälst Du von Blindfolded?

Verse 2:
martyrs killing people for the faith in god they had
the soil is red of blood but the farmer is still dead with blood
the killers eyes are blinded by some moral pollution
saying our final breath is their final solution

Verse 3:
wars are fought by people face to face on other sides opposite sides reicht "face to face, opposite sides"? wäre doof, das Metrum zu töten hier
praying to the same gods, asking them to be their guides
human rights, perverted, witness how damage is done
no one is excused and so the slaughter will go on

generals count bodies, souls reduced to just a number
presidents are lying that their votes will not go under huh? naja, vorschläge wilkommen - aber der Sinn und Endreim sollte passen... DEnglisch pur, ich weiß... soll heißen, daß man sich nur darüber gedanken macht, wie man an der MAcht bleibt - mir fiel nix besseres ein...
weapon smiths count dollars, making money with the death waffenschmied-->armorer oups, da hätte ich doch wohl mal leo fragen sollen :)
and each of them is happy 'bout an other final breath

Verse 4:
the world around withdraws to any try to understand huh? Die Welt (syn. / Bild für die Gesellschaft) entzieht sich jedem Versuch, sie verstehen zu wollen.

and no one can foresee how this ugly war will end

cause lack of understanding causes anxiety and fear

and fear results in hate, as we so often hear stimmt, das hat schon yoda in star wars gesagt:D ja, das hat er :) daher kommt die Zeile ja auch...

da wo "huh" steht hab ich nicht verstanden was du sagen willst:D
das grüne sind nur irgendwelche feinheiten, das pinke passt nicht
Verse 1:
Everywhere I look, I see the world is burned and black
A symbol for our time and for the harmony, we lack
Terror reigns in blood, spreading pure tranquility
violating dreams of a free society

stupid men arise, gaining power through religion
reality disguises as a brutal piece of fiction (i)s disguised find ich besser. die realität is ja mehr patient als agent
where gods, who should be good, rule with darkness and with hate
driving mankind's hope into an even darker fate und statt into find ich to oder toward besser

Heading for hell – with your eyes turned skywards
stumbling dazzled into your grave
Heading for hell – with your eyes turned skywards

no one will be there for our epitaph
das skywards find ich holpert vielleicht ein bisschen,, was hälst Du von Blindfolded?
heading for hell with your eyes blindfolded meinst du? ya, das ginge
Verse 2:
martyrs killing people for the faith in god they had
the soil is red of blood but the farmer is still dead with blood
the killers eyes are blinded by some moral pollution
saying our final breath is their final solution

Verse 3:
wars are fought by people face to face on other sides opposite sides reicht "face to face, opposite sides"? wäre doof, das Metrum zu töten hier hm nee. moment ich muss erstmal das metrum raussortieren:D
people fightig wars, face to face on opposite sides, wie ist das?

praying to the same gods, asking them to be their guides
human rights, perverted, witness how damage is done
no one is excused and so the slaughter will go on

generals count bodies, souls reduced to just a number
presidents are lying that their votes will not go under huh? naja, vorschläge wilkommen - aber der Sinn und Endreim sollte passen... DEnglisch pur, ich weiß... soll heißen, daß man sich nur darüber gedanken macht, wie man an der MAcht bleibt - mir fiel nix besseres ein...
.............................................souls reduced to figures
presidents pondering reelections with their fingers on the trigger
(figure wäre in dem fall ne zahl im sinne von ner statistik......irgendwas in der art würd ich dir empfehlen, weil mir nix gutes einfällt was man auf under enden lassen könnte.....das macht man im englischen nämlich eh selten,,,,,und weil auf number nich viel tolles reimt )

weapon smiths count dollars, making money with the death waffenschmied-->armorer oups, da hätte ich doch wohl mal leo fragen sollen :)
and each of them is happy 'bout an other final breath

Verse 4:
the world around withdraws from any try to understand huh? Die Welt (syn. / Bild für die Gesellschaft) entzieht sich jedem Versuch, sie verstehen zu wollen.

and no one can foresee how this ugly war will end

cause lack of understanding causes anxiety and fear

and fear results in hate, as we so often hear stimmt, das hat schon yoda in star wars gesagt:D ja, das hat er :) daher kommt die Zeile ja auch...yeah :D


Verse 3:
wars are fought by people face to face on other sides opposite sides reicht "face to face, opposite sides"? wäre doof, das Metrum zu töten hier hm nee. moment ich muss erstmal das metrum raussortieren:D
people fightig wars, face to face on opposite sides, wie ist das? Das hat immer noch eine Silbe zu viel

praying to the same gods, asking them to be their guides
human rights, perverted, witness how damage is done
no one is excused and so the slaughter will go on

generals count bodies, souls reduced to just a number
presidents are lying that their votes will not go under huh? naja, vorschläge wilkommen - aber der Sinn und Endreim sollte passen... DEnglisch pur, ich weiß... soll heißen, daß man sich nur darüber gedanken macht, wie man an der MAcht bleibt - mir fiel nix besseres ein...
.............................................souls reduced to figures
presidents pondering reelections with their fingers on the trigger
(figure wäre in dem fall ne zahl im sinne von ner statistik......irgendwas in der art würd ich dir empfehlen, weil mir nix gutes einfällt was man auf under enden lassen könnte.....das macht man im englischen nämlich eh selten,,,,,und weil auf number nich viel tolles reimt ) Da magst Du recht haben... figures ist gut...

people fightig wars, face to face on opposite sides, wie ist das? Das hat immer noch eine Silbe zu viel
Wie wär´s mit:
people fighting face to face on opposite sides
people in war face to face on opposite sides

Von den Silben her mag nicht viel Luft sein, aber inhaltlich: "war" beinhaltet eigentlich schon, dass Leute an gegensätzlichen Fronten stehen und gegeneinander kämpfen ... Also eigentlich kannst Du Dir eins der drei Elemente raussuchen (war, face to face, opposite sides) und ersatzlos streichen. In die Lücken füllst Du dann irgendwelche Silben ...
oder men statt people?

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