"like it should be" - a peace song

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Nähe Karlsuh
hier wie versprochen mein neuer text. es geht um frieden und gerechtigkeit in der welt und den kampf dafür!
schauts euch mal an, musik is schon größtenteils gemacht, geht um die groben fehler^^
dankeschön im voraus

hey! do you know something to solace my anxiety?
I may be overreacting but my mind is imprisoned in a maze... My thoughts are turning in a circle, I have no peace of mind!

i don't wanna keep the peace till there's peace for everyone
I will keep on fighting till you do justice to everyone
There's no rest for the wicked so I can't keep the peace till everything has done like it should be

the world is down-and-out, I see at a glance, I circled the globe and nobody emerged from the gloom, I gave in to temptation, to imagine a glimmer of hope, after close reflection, I decided to send a mayday to you!

you heard me cryin' in the mayhem,
joining me you said nothing's down the drain,
we'll bring the world to glory days,
we don't give up by no means!

i don't wanna keep the peace till there's peace for everyone
I will keep on fighting till you do justice to everyone
There's no rest for the wicked so I can't keep the peace till everything has done like it should be
hi, na dann will ich mal...

hey! do you know something to solace my anxiety? meine angst trösten? vorschlag.."solace me in my anxiety"...obwohl trösten weniger für angst in frage kommt...eher für trauer!
I may be overreacting but my mind is imprisoned in a mazeoverreacting...mhhh...overacting? It (=the theme) may be overplayed?... My thoughts are turning in a circle, I have no peace of mind!

i don't wanna keep the peace till there's peace for everyone keep peace, ohne the
I will keep on fighting till you do justice to everyone
There's no rest for the wicked so I can't keep the peace till everything has done like it should bekeep peace, has been done oder vielleicht auchhas been rearranged
aber denk nochmal über die strophe hier nach..vor allem der letzte satz klingt doch schon sehr deutsch ;)

the world is down-and-out, I see at a glance, I circled the globe and nobody emerged from the gloom, I gave in to temptationversteh ich nciht, to imagine a glimmer of hope, after close reflection, I decided to send a mayday to you!
es fehlt ein wenig der zusammenhang dieser wortgruppen..oder ich raffs einfach nur nciht...iss schon spät :D

you heard me cryin' in the mayhem,
joining me you said nothing's down the drain,joined me and said...
we'll bring the world to glory days,
we don't give up by no means!

i don't wanna keep the peace till there's peace for everyone
I will keep on fighting till you do justice to everyone
There's no rest for the wicked so I can't keep the peace till everything has done like it should be

nja, um ehrlich zu sein hat die nummer ja keinen tieferen sinn, kein direktes ziel oder nen faden...nur die aussage: ich mache keinen frieden, so lange es krieg gibt...und das iss ein paradoxon ;) problem iss, dass diese thema schon so oft so gut bearbeitet wurde. schwer, hier nicht in die standardphrasen rauuszuholen...obwohl das ja bei entsprechender mucke trotzdem möglich ist. mir fällt übrigens grade(nur ganz am rande ;) ) ein tolles textchen ein, was zu dem thema passt und trotzdem irgendwie subtil ist:
Bob Dylans "Masters of War"

was die sprachlichen sachen angeht fiels mir schwer ersatz zu finden, da ich ohne die musik den rhytmus nicht überschaue.
ansonsten find ich die idee toll, dass du jemanden ansprichts, den du schonmal gesehen hast, der dich bewegt hat dich dem kriegsproblem hoffnungsvoll entgegezustellen...das thema würde ich ausbauen...vielleicht ähnlich nem brief oder ner rückblende oder so!

yay :)
hey! do you know something to resolve my anxiety?
It may be overplayed but my mind is imprisoned in a maze,
My thoughts are turning in a circle, I have no peace of mind!

i don't wanna keep peace till there's peace for everyone keep peace,
I will keep on fighting till you do justice to everyone
There's no rest for the wicked so I can't keep peace till everything has been done to bring out the best!

the world is down-and-out, I see at a glance,
I circled the globe and nobody emerged from the gloom,
I gave in to temptation to imagine a glimmer of hope,
after close reflection, I decided to send a mayday to you!

we don't wanna keep peace till there's peace for everyone keep peace,
we will keep on fighting till you do justice to everyone
There's no rest for the wicked so we can't keep peace till everything has been done to bring out the best!

you heard me cryin' in the mayhem,
joined me and said nothing's down the drain,
we'll bring the world to glory days,
we don't give up by no means!

we don't wanna keep peace till there's peace for everyone keep peace,
we will keep on fighting till you do justice to everyone
There's no rest for the wicked so we can't keep peace till everything has been done to bring out the best!

Put away your gun cause blood doesn't bring you forward!
Each of your bombs will cause you damage you'll see...
A human life is a rare good, never to waste,
Join us and promote you by fair play!

we don't wanna keep peace till there's peace for everyone keep peace,
we will keep on fighting till you do justice to everyone
There's no rest for the wicked so we can't keep peace till everything has been done to bring out the best!

danke, hab noch ne strophe geschrieben...
da kommt dann noch irgendwo nen solo rein, man wird sehn^^
der song is im refrain poppig vom gesang, wenns dann we heißt wirds auch zweistimmig. strophe spielt nur keyboard achtel der rest der band nur auf 1 und 4. studieren ihn demnächst ein. warte nur noch auf euer go...
danke im voraus
ps: ich weiß dass der song nicht wirklich revolutionäre ideen drin hat, aber für so ein thema ist jedes wort wichtig solange es von herzen kommt!!!

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