Looking for band members in Munich (rock/grunge)

Musiker ist
  1. Gitarrist
  2. Keyboarder
  3. Bassist
  4. Sänger
Musiker sucht
  1. Band
  2. Gitarristen
  3. Drummer
  4. Keyboarder
I'm an Australian (39) singer/guitarist/drummer/pianist that is looking to form a band. I'm not amazing at any of these instruments, but also not too bad either. For me, the main thing I'm looking for in other musicians is music genre - I'm generally interested in 90's rock (tough in Germany, seems like the whole country missed this decade and has been stuck in the 80s forever!), but I'm certainly into classic rock as well. Main influences are Pearl Jam, Nirvana, U2, Radiohead, Coldplay, Pink Floyd, Silverchair, Niel Young, The Smashing Pumpkins, Pixies, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Foo Fighters etc...

I have a pretty nice practice room with PA, guitars (bass, electric, acoustic), piano, electric drums and a pool table/bar in my basement with a load of beer on tap (I'm a home brewer) so if you're into all this I'm sure we can have a pretty good time (pic attached for attention!). I can speak German but writing this in English because most of my friends are pretty international so looking for that same vibe.
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Reaktionen: 1 Benutzer
Hi Hutcho,
I'm Fred and a bass player...and I experience the same phenomenon about the Germans and their abilities/interests as you do.
So, maybe we should meet.
I'm the bassplayer, organizer, co-composer, tech etc. in here: www.persorebone.com. But especially sinds C-times I experience the music as well as the motivation in the band more and more as lame, slow and stiff.
What are your aims in this? I would try to get out for more live Gigs with an own program!
Maybe we should give it a try and swing it together.
Just contact me if you are interested.
Best, Fred

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