Satanael - Night ov Nihilism

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"Night ov Nihilism" ist ein Album, dass ich exklusiv für die "Night ov Nihilism" in Düsseldorf, K25 in 2017 gemacht habe.
Es ist in einer Auflage von 10 Cds und 5 Tapes erschienen, und so gut wie ausverkauft... (haha). Dies habe ich nun hochgeladen, um die Allgemeinheit teilhaben zu lassen. Geschrieben und gemixed ist es komplett von mir, ebenso die Coverart. Es handelt sich hierbei Folk Black Metal. Aus einer anderen Perspektive kann man es auch als Darkfolk/Neofolk betiteln. Dies ist letztlich jedem selbst überlassen. Ich würde es am ehesten als Avantgarde Folk bezeichnen. Produziert wurde es wie immer einfach und grundlegend, kein Studio, Mikro, Gitarre und eine Trommel reichen hier völlig aus. Was will uns der Künstler damit sagen? Das sollte aus der Musik ersichtlich werden. Allerdings, hier um den ideelen Hintergrund nachvollziehen zu können:

Satanael Philosophy
Part 1
Satanael is about the horror and exult of darkness. Its about greatest pain, hate and fear. It comes from beyond and goes beyond. Its about the forbidden and hidden truth, the discrimination of live and is the answer to oppression. As darkness is defined, its about things we cant see, but feel, its about things we cant describe, but maybe express and percept. Its about the forces inside, which lays hidden and unseen. Reality is not, what is told it is. The black flame is burning. Pain is a state of being made to rule about man. Natural pain comes and goes, cultural pain never ends.
Part II
What you see, depends on you: black or white. Some feel sorrow where others feel bliss. Its about to celebrate live and death in all its forms and antiforms. Satanael is the world we see each and every day, and on the other hand, its about worlds we just meet in our deepest and purest dreams. Satanael comes from beyond and goes beyond...just the fearless will be able to enter the realms which are lying deep in our souls and hearts and far away in the cosmic fields of consciousness.
Part III
Musically Satanael is moving between dark necroblack, neo folk music and neoclassical compositions, inspired by minimalism and purism and the deepness of the world that can be found, when one enter the gates. Satanael ist the musical abstraction of the complexity that is given by this world, and the complexity which appears in the dawn of other universes. Its infinite and immortal principles and appearances is what makes it sounding. Folk means joy and sadness, bliss and cruelness. Its about what happens, when this reality meets another. The true reality meets the false truth. Still minimalistic and complex at the same time.
Part IV
Musik ist Krieg. If mankind destroys man, then mankind is ready to fall. Too many pain may cause too many death. Pain for all. Death for all - About Satanael

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