We Gotta Go

  • Ersteller The Spectre
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The Spectre
The Spectre
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Was soll's. Hier gleich noch ein Text.
Hatte in den letzten Tagen endlich wieder etwas Zeit.

So nu aber.

We Gotta Go

We gotta go
We have to make way
We gotta go
Cause we are old and grey
We gotta go
We had enough and to spare
And the youth is coming up and is claiming it's share

We gotta go
Next generation take place
We gotta go
No longer keep with the pace
We gotta go
And we change our dress
No more boots, disrupted jeans and leather jackets I guess

And the fun of hangin' around and livin' up for the day
We gotta go
We gotta go
Is gone forevermore does not come back anyway
We gotta go
We gotta go
And we gotta go
Cause our time is up now
We gotta go
Into retirement now
We gotta go
Good by ciao ciao
We gotta go
Hi wedding vow

We gotta go
It's hard to understand
We gotta go
That our favorite band
We gotta go
Vanished without a trace
It's no more our time sadly we're out of place

We gotta go
We call it a day
We gotta go
Cause our kids wanna play
We gotta go
The thing that rules our live
Is no longer music it's a kid and a wife


We gotta go
Cause our aches and pains
We gotta go
Are indestructible chains
We gotta go
We need a lot of caress
When we're wreckin' at a gig our spine's in a mess

We gotta go
We have to make way
We gotta go
Cause we are old and grey
We gotta go
We had enough and to spare"to spare" macht hier keinen sinn, was willst du denn sagen? "enough and to spare" heisst sowas wie "reichlich", aber da fehlt das "wovon" in kombination mit dem "we had". also ich bin verwirrt.
And the youth is coming up and is claiming it’s share

We gotta go
Next generation take place
"takes place" wäre "findet statt", "take their place" dann "nimmt sich ihren platz"
We gotta go
No longer keep with the pace
"schreitt halten" ist "to keep step with"
We gotta go
And we change our dress
No more boots, disrupted jeans and leather jackets I guess
bei kleidung spricht man eher von "ripped jeans"

And the fun of hangin’ around and livin’ up for the day
"live up" meint "wachwerden", meinst du das so? "live it up" ist eher so "in saus und braus leben"
We gotta go
We gotta go
Is gone forevermore does not come back anyway
am anfang "It's" gone for evermore (tippfehler)", dann mit "and" verbinden - wobei das irgendwie logisch ist, ist ja weg "for evermore"
We gotta go
We gotta go
And we gotta go
Cause our time is up now
We gotta go
Into retirement now
We gotta go
Good by ciao ciao
We gotta go
Hi wedding vow

We gotta go
It’s hard to understand
We gotta go
That our favorite band
We gotta go
Vanished without a trace
It’s no more our time sadly we’re out of place

We gotta go
We call it a day
We gotta go
Cause our kids wanna play
We gotta go
The thing that rule(s) our live
Is no longer music it’s a kid and a wife

mal was inhaltliches, willste hier nicht mehr übertrieben? "its six kids and a wife" oder so?


We gotta go
Cause our aches and pains
We gotta go
Are indestructible chains
We gotta go
We need a lot of caress
When we’re wreckin’ at a gig our spines in a mess
der letzte satz ist jetzt auch nicht so spitze, ich kann nicht sagen wo es hängt, nur, dass es so nicht gut klingt und man schnell durcheinander kommt. mal sehen, was dazu noch geschrieben wird...
Hi wilbour-cobb,

ich werd' mir deine Verbesserungen und Vorschläge mal zu Herzen nehmen
und den Song zum Überarbeiten ins "Archiv" legen. Da hakt das doch an einigen Stellen.
Ich schreib grad noch an ein paar spaßigeren Texten. Stell' nachher oder morgen noch einen kurzen ins Forum.

The Spectre

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