Cold Turkey Dinner

  • Ersteller ZakMcCracken
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i can´t abandon the restraint
it distracts me from sleeping
it is my sweetest sin
and never will be a lesson to me

words dropped out of my mouth
got picked up by your ears
can you imagine
they once sounded sweeter

can we go one day without your mouth
let it be today
your only easy on the eyes

open season on the lonely hearts
don´t sweat it i´m okay
i broke with old-school expectations

you got this trigger pulled yourself
chucking you out of a world
you can't get on with

you can't help showing me nothing but love
and i´m sorry, i´m sorry
but i can't give it back to you

don´t hate the player, hate the game
i only try to change it into something golden
i crossed your heart
and from your looks i can tell i totally nailed it

ziemlich neuer text von mir. idee für den refrain gab eine prison break-folge ;)

wer möchte, darf gerne kommentieren.
Hi ZakMcCracken,

ein paar Anmerkungen zu Deinem Text - sind wirklich eher Anmerkungen, da Dein English von meiner Warte her gar keine groben Klopper oder so enthält:

Cold Turkey Dinner

i can´t abandon the restraint
aus dem Bauch raus: this restraint oder the restraints
it distracts me from sleeping
it is my sweetest sin
and never will be a lesson to me
and will never be a lesson to/for me

words dropped out of my mouth
got picked up by your ears
been statt got?
can you imagine
they once sounded sweeter

can we go one day without your mouth
let it be today
your only easy on the eyes

open season on the lonely hearts
for statt on?
don´t sweat it i´m okay
i broke with old-school expectations

you got this trigger pulled yourself
da komm ich nicht so ganz mit klar - hast Du mal die Übersetzung?
chucking you out of a world
chucking yourself
you can't get on with

you can't help showing me nothing but love
Du kannst nicht anders als mit (nur) Deine Liebe zu zeigen?
and i´m sorry, i´m sorry
but i can't give it back to you

don´t hate the player, hate the game
i only try to change it into something golden
I´m only trying?
i crossed your heart
and from your looks i can tell i totally nailed it

Yu - gefällt mir ganz gut - eine Zustandsbeschreibung, offen genug, um sie mit eigenen Bildern zu füllen, offen genug um sich ein eigenes Ende auszumalen ...

Noch ein bißchen feilen - und bei zwei Stellen bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher, was Du sagen willst ...


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