The Fate Of The Minstrel

Schick mir mal ein Leadsheat, vielleicht hab ich eine göttliche Eingebung

Mach ich doch glatt! By the way ... göttlich ;) braucht sie nicht zu sein ... es genügt, wenn sie gereicht zum Amüsement von Rang und Adel :D

So Guys .... thanks a lot for all your help ... especially a Tribute to Nate … the Godfather of Grammar and the hardest working slacker in revision business … who provided the roots of useful corrections … for all of those who are interested in the ongoing development of the song …. here you are … here it is … the reworked version 2:


With a lute on my back I wander without fame,
the stars only know my way.
People listen to my songs but no one knows my name.
Nothing can hold me to stay.

At night in moonlight a castle is in sight,
the place I’m longing for.
I joke and play a song, I rest then I’ll be gone.
Sometimes I give encore.

Driven by my heart I arrive to depart.
No need to settle down, I’ve got to wander on.

At the grand residence lives a beautiful princess,
the charming kingdom’s heir.
She’s the most beautiful princess men profess.
There is no other like her, I swear.

From a tree beside a brook I had an unperceived look,
my heart inflames but bleeds.
I wish I could trespass but I don’t befit her class.
She would never give in to my pleads.

Nothing I possess could win the heart of the princess.
She is my guiding star, within sight but much too far (to reach).
Love is like a pearl, forbidden to unfurl.
Hidden love within a shell is the fate of the minstrel.

All night long I must sing to entertain the crowd,
by dawn I leave the place.
My eyes are burning hot, my head is buzzing loud.
Tiredness covers my face.

Hasty winds blow, a storm brings ice and snow.
My muscles freeze and cramp.
Nowhere is a sign of human presence but mine.
I’m lonesome on my tramp.

Nothing I possess could win the heart of the princess.
She is my guiding star, within sight but much too far (to reach).
Love is like a pearl, forbidden to unfurl.
Hidden love within a shell is the fate of the minstrel.

In the black of the night I stumble on to find a light,
I struggle to survive.
A pub in the woods gives me shelter for the night,
the resort that cushions my dive.

I see her, but can’t get near her.
I meet her in my dreams.
I don’t feel her, will never kiss her.
Don’t ask for me, I’m gone,
I’ve got to travel on.

Nothing I possess could win the heart of the princess.
She is my guiding star, within sight but much too far (to reach).
No need to settle down, I’ve got to wander on.
Driven by my heart I arrive to depart.
Love is like a pearl, forbidden to unfurl.
Hidden love within a shell is the fate of the minstrel.

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