welche effekte sind dort?

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hmm, denk mal ein danelectro fab tone overdrive.
2 Boss LS (Line Selector) (ein drittes ist einem anderen PEdal zu erahnen)
Rocktron Austin (AFAIR Chorus... oder doch Kompressor?)
2 Bespecco Schalter (oder sind es Taster)
Boss Delay
Digitech... nicht Whammy, das Pedal (das gelb)
ein Boss Doppelpedal

Aber genauere Modelle... nicht aus dem Kopf.
Nen Boss Delay (ganz Links)
Dann 2 Danelectro
Dann nen Dunlop Cry Baby (?)

Mehr wüsste ich jetzt nicht.
Irgend ne Kiste von Nobels (pink) is dabei und ein Tubedriver (blau) oder so. Hab ich schonmal irgendwo gesehen. Was zur Hölle will der mit den ganze Effekten?
Das lilane ganz rechts müsste ein BOSS flanger sein...

e: nein doch nicht :redface:
Rocktron austin gold overdrive
meine Fresse - bei dem Effektboard ist der Gitarrist wahrscheinlich nebenher noch ein guter Steptänzer.... is ja unglaublich :rock:
Lexx schrieb:
meine Fresse - bei dem Effektboard ist der Gitarrist wahrscheinlich nebenher noch ein guter Steptänzer.... is ja unglaublich :rock:

DEshalb hat er wahrscheinlich mindestens 3 Boss LS2 auf dem Board ;)
Hab ich bei denen auf der HP gefunden .. das equipment vom gitarristen und sänger (steptanz+gitarrespielen+rythmisches singen.. der typ is so krass)

Generally I play Gibson SGs - preferably old ones where the wood has properly dried out and settled.

I recommend proper Grover machine heads, cause the Gibson ones are generally poo and don't stay in tune.

I use string gauges .09/.11/.17/.30/.42/.52
I used to use heavier ones, but I snapped them too quickly.
Sometimes I'll use heavier ones in the studio because they generally sound better.

I use 0.88 Jim Dunlop plectrums - different gauge plectrums actually do sound different. Thin ones sound brighter, but aren't much fun to play with, so I use a compromise.

Okay here's what you really want:

Peavey Blues Classic (don't think they make them anymore)
Tech 21 Solid state amp (don't think they make them anymore)
Marshall Blues Breaker
Vox AC30

The amps work like this:
The first 2 are on all the time and are "wet" with FX
The Peavey is all top end and bass
The Tech is all mid and pokey

The Tech fits in the "hole" that is in the sound of the Peavey.

Lots of different amps compliment each other in different ways. Experiment.

The Marshall I run totally dry, except with an extra Big Muff.
Nigel Tuffnel can go to 11, but I can switch on an extra Big Muff, which is even louder than11.

The AC 30 has only samples running through it, so it's like having another guitar player from time to time

On The Floor:

In order:
BOSS LS2(splitter 1)
which goes to a:
DIGITECH SPACE STATION (dream on! these are well discontinued!)
and then back to:
Jim Dunlop CryBaby Wah (standard)
ROCKTRON Austin Gold Overdrive
BOSS LS2(splitter 2)
[loop A]
Danelectro Fabtone
Danelectro Reverse Delay
[loop B]
BOSS LS2(splitter 3)
[loop A]
SOVTEK Big Muff (forget it - but the new ones are ok too)
[loop B]
BOSS LS2(splitter 4)
[loop A]
Fulltone Overdrive - (this is a boutique pedal - i don't think you can get them in shops)
[Loop B]
Pro Co RATT distortion
and then out of these loops into
BOSS DM3 analogue delay (discontinued in the 80s!)
BOSS DD5 digital delay
Nobels Tremolo pedal

Misc extra effects:
BOSS Loopstation - just some samples and effects are on here - they run straight into the AC30. I trigger them as I play.

Lexicon Jamman - this is like a fancy delay line, I can sample myself while I'm playing and then spin it back out, also through the AC30 - I can trigger it forwards/ backwards. The backwards sample in "Old Movies" is from this.
Definitely discontinued.

I split the Blues classic amp and the Tech 21 amp into stereo effects as well, which is just an old ART multiverb Alpha - It's about 15 years old and is shite and pink, and the backlight hasn't worked properly for about 14 of those years.
I turn this on occasionally to spread the amps into stereo.

All the other stuff you can see are just channel switches for my amps, and various trigger switches for the Jamman and FX loops. They don't make noises.

I realise that loads of this stuff you can't get anymore- but you know what - it isn't really that important. None of this stuff is really very special or "out there"; it's just what I've collected over a long long time. I didn't start out with some big game plan or vision, it just amasses as you're deciding where to go.

Rule Of Thumb:

If it makes a noise you like.
Keep it.

If you're serious, you won't regret it.
f**king hell... ist dat krank!!! RESPEKT

Ich könnte mir das nicht in der Art vorstellen... aber wenns gefällt und er ja auch anscheinent super damit umgehen kann: TOP!!!!
hör die mal die lieder von dem an .. is einfach total super, was der alles mit den effekten macht ..

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