Mein Kleines Schwarzes Text Book

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Kastellaun, im schicken hunsrück in rheinland pfal
Hi hab hier ein Paar fertige und halbfertige texte.. die meisten entstanden in der schule =) ach und sorry for my bad english;-)

"black sun ore the opposite of opposite"

When day turned night
When White turned black
when buety turne ugly
Then I know the end is near

Friendly became to rude
Good became to bad mude
And Love is now hate
you never be the same mate

How people can change themselfe
when tey are naiv and dumb
Face hided behind a faked facete
A smile one a happy masked

things will never be the same
but its not my job to shame

she said whe should stay friends
but real friends would never do this
i cant accept the ignoration
but acception ist the only solution

friendship is just a word
but my heart stil hurt
things are getting better
but thats not the metter
she did things she shouldn´t have done
but at thes point , i´am allready gone

( entstand auf klassen fahrt wo ein mäddel mit der ich mal zusammen war voll scheiße gemacht hat)


We are not the the stereotyp
we don´t go with every hype
We don´t wanna be like you
why don´t you have this feeling too?

We don´t take every train
we don´t jump on every plain
we don´t drive the next best car
we try to go by foot so far

We donßt believe the news
we just have so many views
we have our own mind
can you ever find the hind

we don´t wannt to be better
but at aht this point thats not the metter
we just want a better world
do you think taht that you hurt

we dont dress like someone else
we are simply ourselfes
we don´t need any dresscode
ande we go on our own road

(ist zu dem zeitpunkt entstanden als alle in meinem kurs angefangen haben chucks zu tragen)

In my eyes

I feel the burning in my heart (schreien ( fließender übergang)
Since you left me ,
you burried me alive
with no seconde chance
for a buituful romance

you but some razor blades
in my eyes
you but some hot needles
in my heart
C´mon , why don´t you go ?
Why don´t you go with the flow
I leave you now allone
and you left a hole in my heart

In my eyes
you aldready gone now
in my eyes
your heart is cold as snow
in my eyes
in my eyes

IN my eyes
you feel no love inside
in my eayes
you never be allright
in my eyes
in my eyes

(ist ca. eine woche nach dem ersten stück entstanden)

"We bleed without a cut"

Are you saticfied with fear
Are you saticfied with blood
Are you saticfied with tears
Are you saticfied with mud

This blood on the ground
this tears in your eyes
this strongly violent sound
this never believed lies


Peace never used a gun
It used some peaceful minds
cause war isn´t fun
for all human kinds

Are you saticfied with war
Are you saticfied with pain
Are you saticfied with the law
Are you saticfied with in chains

We don´t need any fucking bombs
We don´t need any fucking troops
We don´t need any missle lunches
All we need is just some peace

We are Saticfied with love (forever)
we are saticfied with peace (everywhrer)
we are not saticfied with war ( never)
we are saticfied with happyness

das wars dann schon hab nochn paar andere... aber die sind grad irgend wo..
Ich denke das du dir sehr interessante Gedanken machst ,solltest aber wirklich nochmal das englisch durchgehen.Auch die Rechtsschreibung.Aber ansonsten fällt mir sehr Gothic-rock mäßige Musik dazu ein.Sowie Him Z.B. Sehr sehr melancholisch.Bin genauso.Trotzdem muss man auch mal variieren.
"When day turned night"

- müsste "...turned into night" heissen

"when buety turne ugly"

- vielleicht "when beauty turned into uglyness"

"Friendly became to rude"

- kann man so nicht ausdrücken. "When friendly words got rude" oder so.

"Good became to bad mude"

- stimmt so auch nicht, das mit dem "became" geht nicht und wahrscheinlich sollte es "mood" heissen oder?

"And Love is now hate"

- vielleicht kann man das so stehen lassen, vom Gefühl würd ich eher "And Love is hate now" nehmen

"How people can change themselfe"

- "themselves"

"when tey are naiv and dumb"

- "they"

"A smile one a happy masked"

- weiß nicht ob das "on" heissen sollte, dann würde es einen Sinn ergeben.

"but its not my job to shame"

- " be ashamed"

"but my heart stil hurt"

- "but my heart is still hurt" oder " heart still hurts"

"but thats not the metter"

- "matter"

"she did things she shouldn´t have done
but at thes point , i´am allready gone"

- ist ein bisschen direkt, aber das ist natürlich komplett dir überlassen.

Da ist sicher noch einiges zu verbessern, obwohl die Rechtschreibfehler ja nicht weiter schlimm sind, sowas kann man ja auch im Wörterbuch nachschlagen. greets


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