Lassen wir's bei dieser kurzen Exkursion, das ist ja am Randbereich der originalen Frage. Der AudioUnit Standard ist seit Einführung mehrfach von Apple abgeschossen worden, als ein Beispiel.
Die Leute glauben gern, daß das dann was mit "Fortschritt" ist, weil sie es so oft erzählt bekommen, daß es ja stimmen muß. Für Neugierige empfehle ich einen Spaziergang durch die Blogs der Entwickler, die in den letzten Jahre nicht gerade an Begeisterung für Apple zugelegt haben. (Nicht daß jemand hier meint, ich hätte irgendwelche positiven Gefühle für Google oder Microsoft - weißgott nein) Hier das Zitat eines Entwicklers, der lange Jahre das Spiel mitgespielt hat:
"... deprecation means: “We are breaking our commitments to you.” It really does. That’s what it ultimately means. It means they are going to force you to do some work, possibly a large amount of rework, on a regular basis, as punishment for doing what they told you to do originally — as punishment for listening to their glossy marketing on their website: Better software. Faster! You do everything they tell you to do, and you launch your application or service, and then, bang, a year or two later it breaks down. This is like selling you a used car that they know is going to break down in under 1000 miles.
So let’s say Apple pulls a Guido and breaks compatibility. What do you think will happen? Well, maybe 80–90% of the developers will rewrite their software, if they’re lucky. Which is the same thing as saying, they’re going to lose 10–20% of their user base to some competing language, e.g. Flutter. Do that a few times, and you’ve lost half your user base. Because every time you shake loose some of your developers, you’ve (a) lost them for good, because they are angry at you for breaking your contract, and (b) given them to your competitors. They clearly don’t want customers. They want shoppers."