Tell the kids (Text)

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Forget the rap about girls, money and cars,
it´s tearly that they really think anybody wants to hear more lyrics
about this stuff they buy from monday to sunday
someone´s gotta tell em:
„The rings you got on your fingers are shining,
but that wont keep at bay the drugs from our children"
or do you think they gonna say anyday
„This one Rapper was so diamond equipped,
i think i gonna stop taking trips.“
No, they won´t
They will never be
when they just see some guys in TV
which show them what they could be.
But they can´t
they can´t understand why it is how it is
an unfair life
almost like punished with an curse
when you need new energie
just close you eyes now
and take it trough that verse

Hook: Tell the kids that life is not bad
And then proof it:
That´s the challenge
There´s a distinction between the things that you say and you do
However: Always stay true

I see people on yachts how they have a good time,
fooling around and pour drinks
parents have to keep an eye on their kids that they don´t sink
But that´s way too hard in an selfish society
steal the old ladys purse
who cares that it ain´t your property?
But don´t judge them
everyone knows how it is to lose ones perspective
searchin´ for a reason like an detective
and anytime you will find a sense in your life
laugh every single moment-slapstick
and you´r gonna see
that life isn´t just bad
enjoy the silence of a sunset
tell a person you love a little secret
and when nobody loves you speak to god
I feel 18 years like that I know it´s hard
but I learned it´s important that you never give up
and never get blinded by fake love
a piece of heaven is more important
than a fast f***

Hook: So you see life isn´t just bad
just pray and hope, believe in angels
There´s a distinction between the things that you say and you do
However: Always stay true

wegen dem f*** bin ich mir noch im Unklaren ob ich es sagen sollte oder nicht
Guten Abend,
ich wollte hier mal einen meiner Texte posten um ein paar Anregungen und Feedback zu erhalten

Forget the rap about girls, money and cars,
it´s tearly that they really think anybody wants to hear more lyrics
about this stuff they buy from monday to sunday
someone´s gotta tell em:
„The rings you got on your fingers are shining,
but that wont keep at bay the drugs from our children"
or do you think they gonna say anyday
„This one Rapper was so diamond equipped,
i think i gonna stop taking trips.“
No, they won´t
They will never be
when they just see some guys in TV
which show them what they could be.
But they can´t
they can´t understand why it is how it is
an unfair life
almost like punished with an curse
when you need new energie
just close you eyes now
and take it trough that verse

Hook: Tell the kids that life is not bad
And then proof it:
That´s the challenge
There´s a distinction between the things that you say and you do
However: Always stay true

I see people on yachts how they have a good time,
fooling around and pour drinks
parents have to keep an eye on their kids that they don´t sink
But that´s way too hard in an selfish society
steal the old ladys purse
who cares that it ain´t your property?
But don´t judge them
everyone knows how it is to lose ones perspective
searchin´ for a reason like an detective
and anytime you will find a sense in your life
laugh every single moment-slapstick
and you´r gonna see
that life isn´t just bad
enjoy the silence of a sunset
tell a person you love a little secret
and when nobody loves you speak to god
I feel 18 years like that I know it´s hard
but I learned it´s important that you never give up
and never get blinded by fake love
a piece of heaven is more important
than a fast f***

Hook: So you see life isn´t just bad
just pray and hope, believe in angels
There´s a distinction between the things that you say and you do
However: Always stay true

wegen dem f*** bin ich mir noch im Unklaren ob ich es sagen sollte oder nicht

Bin nur ich das, oder kann ich hier kaum Reime auslesen ? :redface:
Wie auch immer, schreib deine Texte lieber auf deutsch, entweder mangelt es dir an englisch-Kentnisse, oder dir fehlt's an Wörtern, mir kommt es viel zu einfach rüber.
war´s das jetzt schon an Kommentaren?
Hör es sich denn einwandfrei an wenn du es auch rappst? Ich mein wir müssten uns hier Reime raussuchen wo du es ja ganz einfach raushören kannst obs gut ist oder nicht? Oder nehms ma auf und zeigs uns... wär doch auch ne super idee :)
ja geht mir auch so das ich da kaum reime finde.

wenn dus nciht aufnehmen willst/kannst dann markier doch bitte wenigstens die reime.

wenn das gemacht ist kann ich dir auch ein verbünftiges feedback geben.
Das mit den reimen verwirrt dann doch zu stark beim lesen:D

und ein Audio wäre natürlich noch besser:great:


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