Mobile Sheets Pro Lizenzen

Hallo Mike,
I used to work with MS pro since 3-4 years and I love the app a lot.
I bought it at the Google Play store and it was running on my tablet (Samsung A6) as well as on my Smartphone (Samsung S10).
My problem is: Since 2 or 3 months the app doesn't work on my phone anymore. That means the app is installed but it can't find my songs. I get always a message: file not found, doesn't exist ... If I try to install the backup .msp it says in 1 second: successfully installed but does not work.
What can I do to have it on my Phone again? It's very usefull to have it on the phone for I don't have my tablet with me all the time. A few of my colleagues told me, that they run it on different devices have no problems with that.
Please help me, 'cause I love MS pro and I won't miss it.
Thanks and Greetz from Germany, Wolfgang
Habe endlich Antwort von Zubersoft:

Do you happen to know if your Samsung S10 installed Android 11 in the last couple months? That has caused problems for other users as well due to the massive changes that Google made with Android 11, particularly in regards to file permissions. If you are currently using a removable SD card with MobileSheetsPro and your phone updated to Android 11, that would definitely explain the issues you are seeing. What I would recommend is the following:

1) Go to Settings->Other Settings->Clear Library
2) Go to Settings->Storage->Set MobileSheets Storage Location, tap the SD card and set it to the default (/storage/emulated/0/Android/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files) and tap OK
3) If you want to use a removable SD card, tap on Settings->Set MobileSheets Storage Location, tap the SD card icon and it will change the the path to something like /storage/XXXX-XXXX/Android/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files, where the X's are hexadecimal characters (0-9 or A-F). Tap OK to accept the path
4) Go to Settings->Backup and Restore->Restore Library from Backup. Uncheck the option to restore settings - this is very important. Now select the .msb file and restore your library.

That should hopefully fix the file permission issues caused by Android 11. Let me know if this does not work.

Best regards,
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Habs noch nicht ausprobiert, hatte noch keine Zeit. Aber schon mal gut, dass einem geholfen wird.
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So Leute, jetzt hab ichs endlich geschafft. Das Problem lag beim Android 11. Da gibts anscheinend bei vielen Probleme. Nachdem ich die Instruktionen von Mike von Zubersoft befolgt habe, Screenshot_20210514-070617.jpgScreenshot_20210514-070522.jpg geht es endlich wieder. Danke für eure Hilfe und Grüße
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Bei Problemen direkt an Mike schreiben: Er antwortet normalerweise sehr schnell. Ich hatte zuerst das Formular aus der App benutzt und da kam nix. Greetz
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Reaktionen: 3 Benutzer

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