Shamray/Ran Thread

  • Ersteller dirtybanana
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Aber wohl keine Logos anderer Firmen, oder?
Ja das würde mich auch mal interessieren. Kann ich mir da auch ESP draufmalern lassen ?????
Nein! :D
Auf die Idee bin ich auch gekommen!
Aber der gute Mann von Shamray meinte zu mir, das dürfen und wollen die net. Die Gitarre sieht dann evtl genauso aus wie ne ESP, Gibson, Fender, Ibanez, PRS usw aber ist nicht solch eine Gitarre.

Aber ehrlich gesagt find ich das viel cooler wenn da was anderes drauf steht. Zum Beispiel dein eigener Name und/oder nen eigen designtes Logo!

Was meinst du wie das ankommt??? Du lässt dir ne Gitarre bauen, wo auf der Kopfplatte dein Name steht! Das is wohl eher nen geileres Prestige als wenn beschissen ESP draufsteht! Muss ja net jeder wissen das die Shamray Gitarre nur en drittel von ner ESP Custom kostet. Und anscheinend sind die auch sau gut, daher isses dann sogar noch geiler. :D
Man kann anstatt Gibson z.b. Gubson machen,das weiss ich.

Hi Leute

Also ich habe noch mal mit den Typen von RAN gequatschr und habe mich entschlossen mir ein Custom Gitarre bauen zu lassen.
Und zwar die ESP Explorer Elk Skull wo der Hals mit drauf is muss au der Seite[/url] auf den Link: Black Explorer - Woodburned Elk Skull and Barbed Wire inlays klicken.

Sieht doch hammer aus !!!!!!

Dr. Becks
man leute, da habt ihr schon die gelegenheit eure eigene gitarre bauen zu lassen, also das, was wirklich kein zweiter hat und dann gibt es wirklich welche, die sich 'normale' gitarren nachbauen lassen, nur um sie billiger zu bekommen, das kapier ich echt gar nicht,
wo kann man sich eigentlich üer die mechaniken informieren, da hat shamray ja auch eine erkleckliche auswahl von brücken, wirbeln etc.
Wie gesagt:

Und nochmal wie gesagt:Ob Mechaniken oder was auch immer,die machen alles was du willst.
Wow Dr. Becks! This thing will be killer! Post unbedingt mal Pics in ein paar Monaten!
Jo klar wenn ich die habe sicher!! Werd aber erstmal noch ein bischen sparen müssen :( . Aber wenn ich die habe lade ich bestimmt ein par Bilder hoch !!!!!

Dr. Becks

Also ich habe Shamray vor 3 Tagen ne Mail geschrieben aber immer noch keine Antwort bekommen :( . Bei RAN hatte ich noch am selben Tag ne Antwort und bei der 2. Mail hats auch nur einen Tag gedauert. Dauert das bei Shamray immer so lange ???? Könnte natürlich auch an meinem schlechten Englisch liegen das die so lange brauchen um das zu verstehen ;).

Dr. Becks
hallo Dr. Becks! Schreib mir ne Mail, ich geb alles an Michael weiter... (wir haben jeden tag miteinander zu tun, weil ich immer ein paar quotes abschicke... ) mir kannst auch auf Deutsch schreiben, ich schreibs dann auf englisch weiter... und geb ihm deine Adresse, dann tritt er sicher mit dir in Kontakt... (was er normalerweiße immer sofort macht)


Hier Leute sehr interessant,Michaels Shamray-Story!

"Well, technically I am a Canadian - from the west coast (Vancouver). I went to university in Canada, dropped out of university to travel Canada with a Rock and Roll Band for ten years, later got a gig as a technologist for the Canadian government, (Top Secret security clearance even!) then I got back into playing music, worked as a session player, worked as a recording engineer, designed some early digital recording systems, worked as a multimedia engineer, edited films, was a radio producer, designed and built recording studios all around the West Coast, and eventually got very busy doing record production back in Vancouver. I even managed to play a little Canadian rock and roll music while producing other bands.

But I didn’t actually come here to Moscow from Canada. I was enjoying life in New York City, my ‘adopted home town’ (I moved there in 1999) and that is actually where I met my wife Lena, who happened to be there on a vacation (she likes to travel the world, she has been to 24 countries and counting…) It was only after I met her that I decided to move to Moscow (in November 2001). Lena has lived here all her life, and suggested to me that life in Moscow would be just as interesting as life in New York or Vancouver. She was right, of course…

I guess I should start by admitting that I have been a guitar-addict since an early age. Ever since I first laid my hands on one, it was love at first sight. In the almost 30 years since, I have owned more than 200 of the world’s finest electric guitars (mostly Gibsons, Fenders, Rickenbackers, Gretschs, but also pretty much ‘one of each’ of every high quality guitar made). And my obsession with guitars wasn’t limited to just collecting them, playing them, selling them… I used to study them avidly, collect all the manufacturer’s literature, and make my own designs. I built my first instrument back in 1977, and have made one (from scratch) every decade or so since.

But I found out about Shamray entirely by accident. When I first moved here, I could only bring a few guitars, and so had to sell a bunch in the states. And when I got here, the first thing I decided was that I needed a “Les Paul” so I could finish up some recordings.

I checked out every LP for sale in Moscow, but I wasn’t too happy with any of them. It seems to me that Gibson only sends their “B-stock” over here, and of those, a lot of them are badly shop-worn from hanging around the shops for years. So, in desperation, I decided to shell out 500 bucks and join the Gibson Custom Direct Club, so they could build me the guitar I wanted, and ship it over to me. This turned out to be a big mistake, a long, drawn-out exercise in futility getting the people at Gibson to understand what I wanted. I wont go into the details, but you can read all about it on the “history” page at my TV-LP Shrine website:

Anyway it was actually about this time when I saw some mention of Shamray guitars at - but at the time I was only interested in having Gibson build me a new guitar, and I didn’t think much of it. But anyway, as you can read at the ‘history’ link above, I did eventually get in touch with Shamray and visited his shop. I only had to play ONE of his guitars, that was enough to make me cancel my Gibson Custom Club membership, and order a Shamray Custom Shop guitar for myself.

Later, I decided that my recordings needed a solidbody bass (I had only brought my “Beatle Bass” with me from the USA) and I contracted with Shamray to build one of my original designs, loosely based on the “Bebb Mk. I” that I had built myself from scratch back in the 1980s. (I have always been really fussy about basses) You can read all about the Shamray Custom Shop “Bebb Mk II” at the “bebb-shrine” ( ).

Anyway, I was SO impressed with the amazing job they did on my “Bebb-II” that I decided the time was right for Russia to begin to move to the very top of the “high-end” bass guitar market. So I presented a proposal to Shamray to have him build and market a line of Custom Shop Bass guitars based on some of my own original designs & construction methods. He agreed, with the proviso that also I assist him in marketing Shamray Custom Shop guitars world-wide. For a guitar-addict like me, its rather enjoyable work helping other guitarists around the world realize their dream-guitars

So now, I am officially employed here in Russia as a design and marketing consultant for the Shamray Custom Shop, and actually later this week we shall begin construction of the FIRST “ShamrayBass” prototype. We plan on building six prototypes, which we will be photographing for the new website that will be coming online in a month or two, so that prospective Custom Shop bass clients can see for themselves some examples of the sort of wonderous new instruments we can create for them.

The ‘big deal’ about these instruments will be simply that they are designed to be ‘the best in the world’ – with new original pickups, electronics, and hardware designed and built right here in Russia. The best woods, the best construction methods, all the tone in the world, and no noise! Each bass totally hand-made, to fulfill precisely the desires of the customer. Full-custom, No limitations!

Oops - it seems that my story has turned into a bit of an advertisement! Anyway, its all true... "
hab mal ne frage, besteht irgendein risiko bei der sache? meine mutter war von der idee eben nicht so begeistert....
hab ich rückgabe recht??? muss ich im voraus zahlen???
Wenn grobe Mängel durch die Herstelleung entstehn sollten denk ich mal das Shamray die auch umtauscht (was aber glaub ich eher nicht passiert).Der Versand ist auch versichert.Du musst im Vorraus bezahlen,die Häfte bei Bestellung,die andere wenn sie fertig ist.


aber enstehen irgendwelche risiken??? wo ist die nächste filiale von denen??
Die nächste Filiale? :shock:

Die einzige ist in Moskau!
aha,aber probleme sollten keine entstehen, oder?
*g* ich glaub ich spinne...

natürlich gibt es keine Filiale davon... (nur einen Customshop.. nen Shop in Moskau...)

Mal ne Frage: Hast du schon irgendeine Filiale der Firma Gibson gesehen, oder Fender? PRS? Fehlanzeige... :D


PS: Nicht so ernst nehmen, den letzten Satz...
schon klar, aber im thread hat jemand gesagt der hauptsitz ist in moskau...

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